i am Alberto Rodrigues an economic and digital science researcher
INTRODUCTION Given that a researcher beford he can found solutions which can help to solve a problem he first must to identify them
in this first document i will present a resume of 10 majors problems i had identified
Strategics investors are leaving EU and millions of people will loose their jobs Because of the situation gravity ,fascist ,extremist parties with a support of some hiden interest which have a major scope to destablish Europe Union might use the situation to make EU citizens to get more revolted and take strong acttions
This is happening because millions of EU citizens know that billions Euros are leaving EU economy ,millions people are loosing their jobs but instead EU does what is necessary to motivate those investors who are ready to leave to continue invest in EU economy they had been blocking funds in differents economic area which do not bring incomes and profit in short time neither create a large number of jobs
Apart of this because of a new banking secrecy new context some other billions are going out from EU economy ..Given that because of the same banking secrecy new context ,a big number of Germany ,France ,Italy ,Belgium ,Austria ,Luxembourg professionals
Strategics investors are leaving EU and millions of people will loose their jobs Because of the situation gravity ,fascist ,extremist parties with a support of some hiden interest which have a major scope to destablish Europe Union might use the situation to make EU citizens to get more revolted and take strong acttions
This is happening because millions of EU citizens know that billions Euros are leaving EU economy ,millions people are loosing their jobs but instead EU does what is necessary to motivate those investors who are ready to leave to continue invest in EU economy they had been blocking funds in differents economic area which do not bring incomes and profit in short time neither create a large number of jobs
Apart of this because of a new banking secrecy new context some other billions are going out from EU economy ..Given that because of the same banking secrecy new context ,a big number of Germany ,France ,Italy ,Belgium ,Austria ,Luxembourg professionals
have been working in banking and financial affair in Austria and
Luxembourg are very
revolted because they know that they are going to loose their jobs ,but
despite of the situation gravity noting had been done in order to help
those professionals from Germany ,France ,Italy ,Belgium ,Austria
,Luxembourg to reduce the panic
Due to all this we had created special projects which can help Germany ,France ,Italy ,Belgium ,Austria ,Luxembourg citizens to reduce the panic
and in the same time motivate strategics investors to keep investing their money in UE ,Those projects can be implemented in a colaboration with a University from Germany ,France ,Italy ,Belgium ,Austria ,Luxembourg and which will help to solve the problem
For this purpose apart of different usefull things as we know that the only thing which can motivate investors to keep invest their money in EU is to present them
1) Investment opportunities which can bring more than 25% profit in less than 75 days
2) Economics area where money invested monday can start bringing high profit Friday
Up to know i had been publishing some contents related with those importants things in world economic forum ,world bank ,,Organizations for co-operatiion and development in Europe
In one of the document i had presented some positive reasons why Europe Union can have an economic fantastic boom
Rusia had returned his back side to Europe Union and found alternative to his energy market For such purpose he established economic partenership with China for long therm
Due to this and some other bad situations i will present in this document strategics investors will have one more reason to leave Europe Union
Due to all this we had created special projects which can help Germany ,France ,Italy ,Belgium ,Austria ,Luxembourg citizens to reduce the panic
and in the same time motivate strategics investors to keep investing their money in UE ,Those projects can be implemented in a colaboration with a University from Germany ,France ,Italy ,Belgium ,Austria ,Luxembourg and which will help to solve the problem
For this purpose apart of different usefull things as we know that the only thing which can motivate investors to keep invest their money in EU is to present them
1) Investment opportunities which can bring more than 25% profit in less than 75 days
2) Economics area where money invested monday can start bringing high profit Friday
Up to know i had been publishing some contents related with those importants things in world economic forum ,world bank ,,Organizations for co-operatiion and development in Europe
In one of the document i had presented some positive reasons why Europe Union can have an economic fantastic boom
Rusia had returned his back side to Europe Union and found alternative to his energy market For such purpose he established economic partenership with China for long therm
Due to this and some other bad situations i will present in this document strategics investors will have one more reason to leave Europe Union
Due to the situation gravity EU must have as a number 1 priority to implement certain projects i will present in this document and in the same time ,create and promote a list of businesses opportunities which can bring righ profit in short time but without consuming Russian energia
Due to Africa ebola ipidemia ,Russia -Ucrania situation ,Iraq -Siria ,war ,Hong kong mouvment for democracy ,EU fascism and extremism mouvments ,new banking secrecy contest in Switzerland ,Luxembourg ,Austria ,EU economy high dependence in Russia energia ,EU high production and human resources costs ,USA will become one of the most attractive place for investment in a natural mode but until then an European Union ,strategics investors exodus can happen if USA will present
1) Investment opportunities which can bring more than 25% profit in less than 75 days
2) Economics area where money invested monday can start bringing high profit Friday
3) Business opportunities which do not consume resourses and make pollution
4) Know how transfer events which can be combined with special touristics products and organized in some of the 30 beatufully Rhode Islands which are located relatively closed to New York
5) Short therm course which can be organized in differents USA Universities and combined also with special touristics products
6) A special know how which will help USA banks to get more that 7 millions new clients in less than 7 months
Apart of those 6 grates economics advantegs which will motivate a large number of European Union investors and entrepreneurs to leave European Union and go to USA to invest their money ,
if some USA Universities will get a know how which can permit them to implement differents projects which can offer foreign students possibility to win money while they are studing ,USA will attract dozens thousands students who suppose to go to study in differents EU countries pay fees and spend money
Those are very bad news because an European Union investors and entrepreneur exodus to USA and some other emergents economies can make European Union economy to have more problems that he is facing now
Due to those aspects 2015 will be a year of tough competition between USA ,EU and some other emergents economies in what is concerning investments attraction
This will motivate EU menber states to care more about innovation Do not forget due to European Union lack of innovation NOKIA from the position of worldwild mobile phone developer he had arrived in just a few couple of years to strugle to survive in smartphone market ,until a USA company had bough it
Returning to the subject i will continuing saying
EU must do what is necessary not just to try to keep strategics investors and entrepreneurs who are ready to leave UE but also to implement certain projects whit a major scope to give them certain positives signals i will talk about in this Document Without this EU will have very little chance to resist such competition
Apart of those refered problems there is a major one which is linked with a very tough competition which will happen in the following way
Given that strategics investors are living EU differents other countries and economies are doing the righ thing in order to attract them to invest in their country For such purpose one of the innovative thing they are doing have link with a special know which can permit them to get dozens thousands of worldwild strategics investors and entrepreneurs most active email adresses ,mobile phone and the accept to communicate with them though those ways
For differents reasons related with marketing communication , economics and social global problems this is one of the most important thing to do in order to attract investors in 2015
Up to now this was quite impossible because strategics investors and entrepreneurs do not give their most active email adresses ,and mobile phone and if they arrive to do so they will give an email adress they do not use frequently
Due to this fact ,global economy is loosing a lot and as a consequence of this 2015 is a year of tough competition between ,EU -USA ,Switzerland and some other emergents economies
After this step of competition ,suppose all the economics competitors will get the right know how then the next tough competition will be about who will implement it in a better way
Due to those aspects starting from now every competitor must do certain things i will present in a future document
because there is so much important things to say about such innovative way to achieve such important objective , until then i will continue to present some other problems i had identified during my researches
Up to now EU had been bloching funds in differents projects which do not bring high profit in short time neither create a large number of jobs Due to this situation i had made researh in order to identify economic areas where money invested monday can start bringuing high profit Friday After this i had combined at least 5 of those economics areas and create a single project which works as a profit and job machine ,If any worldwild country will use the machine concept money invested monday will bring high profit friday without consumming resources and make pollution
Due to this innovative project importance i have been publishing contents about it in world economic forum ,world bank ,IMF director platphormas
Strategics investors had consciencialized that Europe Union economy is so dependent on Russia energy and his exports can not survive without Russia markets ,because of this they are leaving Europe Union and if USA will present them the businesses opportunities i had presented ,in less than 7 months EU economy will loose a lot
Given that as a negative consequence of this millions of people will loose their jobs and fascists EU parties will take benefit from those bad situations and use them to make people to revolte even more and take strong acctions i had created special projects which can help Europe Union to solve those problems
For this purpose apart of the two strategics projectsi had presented i had considered that is very important also to make strategics investors to know about a project which can generate the followin text link
"" Businesses opportunities which can bring high profit in short time but without consumming Russia energia""
Given the context of the EU and Russia economic war this project will help EU to descouraje Russia diabolic plans For this purpose things will be done in such a professional way a link will go viral from dozens of Modavians students computer in a EU country to dozens and hundreds thousands some other in Russia and Russia speaking countries
Then it will be organised know how transfer events in differents EU countries about "" Businesses opportunities which can bring high profit in short time but without consumming energia and producing pollution
Given that those events will be combined with special touristics products ,they will help EU to attract a large number of tourists
Apart of this as after the events it will be published ebooks tools apps ,which will be download with 15-20 euro this and some other similar projects will help EU to get hundreds millions euro from Russia without paying a single euro tax
5) Strategics investors are leaving EU and millions of people will loose their jobs Because of the situation gravity Europe Union must implement differents projects in order to compensate a large number of disadvantages Europe Union have comparing to USA ,and differents emergents economies Due to those negative aspects i had made researches in order to find solutions to compensate disadvantages and in the same time to implement projects with a major scope to give strategic investors a positive sign ,and improve some parametres which can help Europe Union to make differences
Those parameters are
a) Improve European Union live standard ,
b) Increase sales ,
c) Reduce production costs ,
d) Make what is necessary students can win money while they are studing in 7 differents mods helping their Universities to implement certain projects
e) offer possibility for unemployed people ,students ,immigrants to win money promoting
-European Union Investment opportunities which can bring more than 25% profit in less than 75 days
-EU Economics area where money invested monday can start bringing high profit Friday
-European Union Business opportunities which do not consume resourses and make pollution
- EU Know how transfer events which can be combined with special touristics products and organized in differents EU countries
- European Union Short therm course which can be organized in differents USA Universities and combined also with special touristics products
-Eboobs tools ,apps
Apart of those parameters strategics investors take into consideration,because they are direct related to profit ecuation there is another major parameter link to stimulation consummption and increase sales This parameter is about
Social convivence in the real live is an important parameter strategics investors take into consideration because it is related with stimulation consumption and increase sales
In order to understand how this social aspects are affecting European Union economy i have to say that if EU menber states will continue leaving dozens millions ladies to interact in major of their spare time in digital world EU economy will continue loosing trillions euros because by this occasion those dozens millions ladies can be in pijama without using make up ,luxury clothes ,shoes ,parfumes ,cosmetics ,etc
Apart of those economics looses millions EU ladies interacting in digital world means billions euro energy consumption which do not bring advantages to the economy
Given that EU economy is dependent on Russia energia ,this is not a simple problem as it seems at his first appearence but a major and strategic one
Due to those aspects a large number of strategics investors are taking into consideration the way European Union and differents emergents economies are improving social convivence in the real live
GIven this situation i had elaborated innovative projects which can help Europe Union to satisfied strategics investors requirments and in the same time valorise EU multiculturalism get billions and create millions jobs
USA and EU had consciencialized that Muslim problems is most grave than we can imagine ,but this is not all because as a digital science researcher i can tell you that the worst still to come and it can happen if muslims will get the right know how which can permit them to get dozens millions of muslims most active email adreses and mobile phone
Given that this know how can permit them to achive such goals in very short time ,Europe Union must start from today to implement such know how and get dozens millions of muslims email adresses beford they will succeed to do it
For such purpose i had created a very strategic project which can generate a link as How muslims countries can valorise their 3 Magics Ts ( Talent Tradition ,Tourism )
Security and immigrations researchers know that a muslim will never trust a USA or EU official but he can trust 100% another muslim
Due to this very important aspect ,researchers who had worked in differents immigrations and securities issues had been recommending IOM ,USA and EU securities and immigrations professionals never to try to make a direct communication to a muslim or a revolted immigrant
Instead of that they must do necessary things which will make worldwild muslim ,immigrants relatives ,friends to talk in a positive way about special and sensible things which will be be related to USA ,EU ,
Those special things must have strong power to sensibilize millions of muslims relatives families etc and make them talk in a positive way about them and by this occasion even without knowing they will be bringuing positive feedback about USA EU etc
For such a scope I elaborated a very important project which will generate a strong viral link which as
""How muslims countries can valorise their 3 Magic Ts ( Talent Tradition ,Tourism ) get billions and create millions jobs ""
This is a fantastic and awesome project It have a power to sensibilisize and make millions Worldwild muslims to be proud and talk in a positive way about everything which will happen related with this project
This project will help USA ,UN ,EU ,IOM to achive very specifics goals starting from the firts day it will be launched
Europe Union can get billions Euros from differents non EU economies without paying an euro tax ,and in the same time create a large number of jobs For this purpose i had created a project concept which can be implemented in the following way
Researchers ,and Universities will be motivated to publish their research works in a digital platphorma ,
that reasearchers and EU universities using innovative marketing
strategies they will promote those works projects worldwild in such way
they can get as much vote as it can be possible
In the second stage those who will have the higher number of votes will be invited to present their works in a differents know how transfer event
In the second stage those who will have the higher number of votes will be invited to present their works in a differents know how transfer event
By this occasion it will be taken into consideration the number of know
how partecipants
Given that is very important for EU economy to attract as much number of non European Union partecipants ,at those know how transfer events ,researchers and Universities who will have the higher number of non EU partecipants ,and a higher number of a total partecipants , will receive a certain value parameter according to the number of vote they had obtained in the first stage ,and then the number of know how events partecipants
In the final stage every EU researcher and University will be motivated and them obliged to publish books ,tools ,ebooks ,apps ,which will be downloaded with 10 -15 euros
By this occasion a special software programme will add votes ,number of non EU partecipants at know how transfer events ,ebooks ,tools ,apps downloaded and then the same software will establish how much money a researcher and University will receive as copy right ,financment from a EU menber state government ,found from EU etc
Given that is very important for EU economy to attract as much number of non European Union partecipants ,at those know how transfer events ,researchers and Universities who will have the higher number of non EU partecipants ,and a higher number of a total partecipants , will receive a certain value parameter according to the number of vote they had obtained in the first stage ,and then the number of know how events partecipants
In the final stage every EU researcher and University will be motivated and them obliged to publish books ,tools ,ebooks ,apps ,which will be downloaded with 10 -15 euros
By this occasion a special software programme will add votes ,number of non EU partecipants at know how transfer events ,ebooks ,tools ,apps downloaded and then the same software will establish how much money a researcher and University will receive as copy right ,financment from a EU menber state government ,found from EU etc
this project concept Europe Union will finance researcher projects
which will bring money from non EU country ,those which will attract
know how transfer events partecipants ,and make ebooks ,tools apps to
sale ,
Using this project concept
1) There will be no chance for corruption in what is concerning researches and education EU finacement
2) EU Universities will be motivated to become competitive and adapt their education programme to the economic market needs because other wise they will not receive enough votes ,they will not attract know how transfer events partecipants ,and sales ebooks ,apps ,tools
Appart of this worldwild students will avoid Universities which do not get enough vote money ,found and pay them well for what they will be doing in order to help them achive their goals
One of the projects which can help European Union to achieve dozens of priorities scopes in all the 28 EU menber states countries ,in Ucraine ,Moldavia Rusia and Rusia speaking country ,and in the same time help descouraje immigrantions and terrorism acts can generate a very powerfull link as
""How EU can help you to valorise your talent and get cash money ""
By this occasion the contents of the links will be presented in Russian ,Arabic ,English ,and also in all the EU menbers States official languages
How such project will help EU ,NATO ,USA to achieve strategics goals in Russia and Russia speaking countries ?
According to this projects Ucranians and Moldovians will promote
1) European Union Investment opportunities which can bring more than 25% profit in less than 75 days
2) European Union Economics area where money invested monday can start bringing high profit Friday
3) European Union Businesses opportunities which do not consume resourses and make pollution
4) European Union Know how transfer events which can be combined with special touristics products and organized in Romania and some others EU countries
5) European Union Short therm course which can be organized in differents EU Universities and combined also with special touristics products ,
6) Ebooks ,books ,tools ,apps which will be published in European Union by this occasion
According to this project concept at this occasion Moldavians and Ucranians will get cash money Given that in very short time thousands of Ucranians and Moldavians will start getting more than 300- 500 -700 euro apart of their salary ,those who want to separate from the two countries will know that if ""Transnistria ""and Est Ukraine will decide to separate from the two respectives countries they will loose those greates advantages
Using this project concept
1) There will be no chance for corruption in what is concerning researches and education EU finacement
2) EU Universities will be motivated to become competitive and adapt their education programme to the economic market needs because other wise they will not receive enough votes ,they will not attract know how transfer events partecipants ,and sales ebooks ,apps ,tools
Appart of this worldwild students will avoid Universities which do not get enough vote money ,found and pay them well for what they will be doing in order to help them achive their goals
One of the projects which can help European Union to achieve dozens of priorities scopes in all the 28 EU menber states countries ,in Ucraine ,Moldavia Rusia and Rusia speaking country ,and in the same time help descouraje immigrantions and terrorism acts can generate a very powerfull link as
""How EU can help you to valorise your talent and get cash money ""
By this occasion the contents of the links will be presented in Russian ,Arabic ,English ,and also in all the EU menbers States official languages
How such project will help EU ,NATO ,USA to achieve strategics goals in Russia and Russia speaking countries ?
According to this projects Ucranians and Moldovians will promote
1) European Union Investment opportunities which can bring more than 25% profit in less than 75 days
2) European Union Economics area where money invested monday can start bringing high profit Friday
3) European Union Businesses opportunities which do not consume resourses and make pollution
4) European Union Know how transfer events which can be combined with special touristics products and organized in Romania and some others EU countries
5) European Union Short therm course which can be organized in differents EU Universities and combined also with special touristics products ,
6) Ebooks ,books ,tools ,apps which will be published in European Union by this occasion
According to this project concept at this occasion Moldavians and Ucranians will get cash money Given that in very short time thousands of Ucranians and Moldavians will start getting more than 300- 500 -700 euro apart of their salary ,those who want to separate from the two countries will know that if ""Transnistria ""and Est Ukraine will decide to separate from the two respectives countries they will loose those greates advantages
Due to this situations they will not support anymore the idea of separating from Ukraine and Moldova
Apart of this very important objectives ,this project will help also Europe Union to get billions Euro from Russia economy without paying a single Euro tax to Russia
""How EU can help you to valorise your talent and get cash money ""
The same text link will generate a project in Arabic language which can be implemented in a partenership with a Marroco ,Tunisia ,Spain, Italy Universities in order to help EU to descouraje in a positive way immigration ,and terrorism
If Europe Union want to have a fantastic economic grow apart of implementing projects in order to attract investors ,know how transfer partecipants ,tourists ,he must do what is necessary in order to attract hundreds thousands students who can pay fee ,spend money in EU ,etc ,and in the same time implement certain projects which will help EU Universities to spread worldwild positive know how
How all those things can be possible ?
Given that according to another project i had presented here Universities will be in a tough competition in order to get votes ,attracts know how events partecipants and sales ebooks tools ,apps ,they will be obliged to valorise students talents ,innovative capacity ,and in the same time offer them possibility to work part time an win money in 7 differents ways
Like this worldwild students will opt to study in Europe Union and in the Universities where they can work part time while they are studing and get higher amount of money
EU investors and companies consider that costs for human resourses is too high and because of this a big part of them are giving part time jobs to more skilled and califfied professonals from India ,South Corea ,Brazilia , etc
Like this apart of paying a very few money for those part time jobs which can be done by professionals from those refered countries ,they do not pay taxes for those employees ,rent for offices where they should work ,and some other costs
Given that because of those and dozens of some others advantages day by day more and more company are doing the same thing the number of European Union citizens who are going to loose their jobs and those who works and receive very low salaries will increase in a dramatically way
Due to the fact that a large number of people are so worried about this situation fascist parties are going to use them to make them to revolte even more
Taking into consideration that millions of EU employees ,professionals ,students and their parents are so scared because of those situations we had created innovative solutions which are going to solve this problem and in the same time help those citizens to reduce the panic ,and also descouraje Fascist parties to use those problems as their political themes
Nowadays we have two economies ,one is converging to zero the other is tending to infinite
Given that in differents EU countries the apport of the economy which is tending to infinit is less than 7 % then if Europe Union, want to have an economic grow ,apart of differents importants things related with digital economy , which can be done he can concentrate his attention also , in making what is necessary in such a way the apport of digital economy in those countries can grow at least from 7 to 27%
this purpose one of the major things which must be done is to brand
digital science ,new tecnologies and digital economy to to mass and
,ordinary people interest
This means that when it will be organised a conferences ,about something related to digital science ,new tecnologies digital economy a large number of ordinary people will partecipate paying a certain fee and then dozens millions worldwild ordinary people will like to download ebooks apps ,tools ,which will be published by this occasion
How such branding process can be done ?
Given that every day millions of worldwild citizens are victim of abuses committed by public institutions ,governments ,companies ,privates persons ,politicians ,researchers ,Universities ,digital science professionals ,must create as much study case as it is possible ,in order to show people how they can use digital science ,new tecnologies and digital economy ,to make those who are responsibles for such abuses to pay
This means that when it will be organised a conferences ,about something related to digital science ,new tecnologies digital economy a large number of ordinary people will partecipate paying a certain fee and then dozens millions worldwild ordinary people will like to download ebooks apps ,tools ,which will be published by this occasion
How such branding process can be done ?
Given that every day millions of worldwild citizens are victim of abuses committed by public institutions ,governments ,companies ,privates persons ,politicians ,researchers ,Universities ,digital science professionals ,must create as much study case as it is possible ,in order to show people how they can use digital science ,new tecnologies and digital economy ,to make those who are responsibles for such abuses to pay
Alberto Rodrigues
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